Retirement Home Performances

Last week we celebrated the end of summer with the lovely people of a retirement home in Haifa where we have had the honor of performing for 12 years. We sang a set of summer songs, both in English and in Hebrew, and one of the songs we sang is called “Mahane Kayitz” (Summer Camp). We told the story of how the song was written by Nathan Alterman and was first published in the newspaper “Davar L’Yeladim” in 1934.

To our delight, when we completed the show, one of the residents came up to us and excitedly relayed that she owns a copy of the original Davar newspaper from 1934, where the song appears on the cover page. The woman’s name is Nurit, and she also told us that she would like us to have the original paper as a gift! Nurit went up to her apartment, and just moments later came down to present the newspaper to us. We were amazed at how quickly Nurit located it in her apartment – how many of us know exactly where we placed a newspaper from 86 years ago?! Thank you again Nurit for this delightful and historic gift.

Another retirement home we had the honor of performing for last month was in New York! No, we weren’t there in person, but we prepared a special recorded show for this Jewish retirement home, which they watched on a big screen sitting 4 meters apart from each other. They were extremely excited to have singers from Israel performing especially for them.

Yet a third retirement home we performed in last month we did in an empty hall! Our entire show was pre-recorded and then shown to all the residents on their in-house television system in their apartments. We are so pleased that we could bring them all pleasure, albeit not in person. The hardest part for us was not being able to see the faces of the people singing along with us and enjoying the show.

We are constantly in awe of the elderly people we perform for and the amazing stories they share with us about their childhoods and the creation of the State of Israel. We are truly privileged to be able to meet these wonderful people, perform for them, and become part of their lives.

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054-6446396 / 050-5921628